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Tick Talk - A Web Conference About Time

Tick Talk - A Web Conference About Time

Description from the site owner

Tick Talk is a fictional conference being held in the Waterfront Hall, Belfast, on 10th June 2010. Its aim is to raise awareness of the responsibility we as web designers have to use others time wisely, and to kick-start the discussion on how we can go about doing this.

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list of random inspiration websites

  • Phive - Health and Fitness centers
  • So you want to go to RISD
  • Van Houtte - Your Now
  • Studio Breakfast - Graphic design & web agency. Liege, Belgium, Europe. We love you.

Oh and if you are a designer and you think that your website looks great than send us your link and we will add your website on On the other side if you find a wonderful website that deserves to be linked on our website because you think it can inspire other people than send us that link.