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SANS COLOUR - is an independent design studio in New York

SANS COLOUR - is an independent design studio in New York

Description from the site owner

Sans Colour is the moniker and freelance umbrella for the swedish graphic - interactive designer Joakim Jansson. Hyper Island alumnus with 10 years work experience. Currently working as an Art-Director at VSCO in New York.

best websites and favorite websites

list of random inspiration websites

  • Wrist - A bi-weekly illustrative exercise by Matt Johnston
  • Biciclette Regina
  • Names for Change - Its just stuff
  • Portfolio of designer Christopher Ware

Oh and if you are a designer and you think that your website looks great than send us your link and we will add your website on On the other side if you find a wonderful website that deserves to be linked on our website because you think it can inspire other people than send us that link.