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Rockaway Relief - New York

Rockaway Relief - New York

Description from the site owner

We will be working with Lava Girl Surf at The Spot on 87th Street and Waves for Water who have assembled a community-run volunteer, donation and outreach command center to help clean out buildings, repair homes and deliver food, supplies, clothing and medicine to people in need.

best websites and favorite websites

list of random inspiration websites

  • Studio Breakfast - Graphic design & web agency. Liege, Belgium, Europe. We love you.
  • Wink TTD - Transforming Through Digital
  • Aesthetic Invention is a good ideas unit
  • David Boyero a freelance graphic and web designer

Oh and if you are a designer and you think that your website looks great than send us your link and we will add your website on On the other side if you find a wonderful website that deserves to be linked on our website because you think it can inspire other people than send us that link.